You want to sign a few individual documents?

Which solution is the right one?
The e-signature for experienced users
You have a few more documents that you want to sign in batches?

E-signature solutions for more complex application scenarios

Are you pursuing a major signature project?
Generally required equipment
Signature card

Card reader

Signature software

How do I get a signature card?
A signature card is required for the “qualified” electronic signature. This card can be obtained from a qualified trusted service provider, e.g. from D-TRUST, Bundesdruckerei’s certified trust centre.
Caution: There are different signature card variants. Depending on the application, the suitable card must be selected (single or multi-signature card).
After successful identification and registration by the trusted service provider, the signature card and a separate PIN letter are sent by post.

How do I sign a document?
Open the document (e.g. PDF) with the signature software digiSeal®office, insert the signature card into the card reader and enter the signature PIN (similar to entering the PIN at an ATM with an EC card).
Order signature card
Receive signature card and PIN letter
Start signature software digiSeal office and open PDF
Insert signature card into card reader, press "sign" button and enter signature PIN
Done: The PDF document is electronically signed!
You want to sign a few individual documents?
Single signature card

Qualified D-TRUST signature card (valid for 3 years)
from 159,00 EUR plus 19% Tax
Card reader

e.g. cyberJack® secoder (USB) from REINER SCT
(Class 3 card reader)
You have a few more documents that you want to sign in batches?
Multi-signature card

Qualified D-TRUST Multicard 100 (valid for 3 years)
from 259,00 EUR plus 19% Tax
Card reader

e.g. cyberJack® RFID standard (USB) from REINER SCT
(Class 3 card reader)
Batch Signing Software

digiSeal®office pro for the single workstation incl. batch processing
Learn more
Are you pursuing a major signature project?

For example, if your project comprises a large number of documents, many users or workstations, automated processes or the preservation of evidence value of digital documents with time stamps in an e-archive, we will be happy to advise you and develop an individually tailored solution.
Which signature type is suitable?
The “qualified” signature is the most secure type of signature with the highest evidential value. Depending on the application scenario, other signature types such as the “advanced” signature or signing on a signature pad or tablet (“biometric” signature) can also be used meaningfully and allow further applications (e.g. digital patient signatures in hospitals). In addition, the EU regulation eIDAS-VO enables the “qualified” remote signature via smartphone (similar to online banking) as an alternative to the signature card.
Other products that might interest you

digiSeal®server for centralized automated processes for e-signature, e-seal, timestamp, PDF/A and more

digiSeal®archive for the conservation of evidence value of digital documents with time stamps in the e-archive
Electronic seal

Company stamp and official seal according to EU regulation eIDAS – digital and legally binding