The electronic invoice offers companies of all sizes and industries massive savings potential – from working time, material and postage to archiving for legal retention periods.
Legal framework
In order to be able to claim input tax deduction for electronic business invoices, the authenticity of the origin (authenticity) and the integrity of the contents (integrity) must be ensured in accordance with the EU VAT system directive (VATSystRL) and national VAT legislation (UStG §14).
The following procedures are possible:
1. qualified electronic signature
2. standardised EDI procedures
3. internal control procedures
The use of qualified signatures and the EDI procedure is standardized and recognized throughout the EU – in contrast to “internal control procedures”.
Advantage for archiving: An electronically signed invoice itself possesses the characteristics of authenticity and integrity – a significant advantage for the proof of these characteristics for the retention period of usually 10 years.

Protect e-bills with digiSeal®server

E-bill formats
EDI signature (embedded and AUTACK); GS1 EANCOM DE, Ideal Message Swiss, EANCOM AECOC ES (Spain), Editel® CZ, GS1 EANCOM CZ (Czech Republic), Edicom®, GS1 EANCOM FR (France)
More EDI dialects can be implemented quickly
ZUGFeRD (PDF files with embedded XML code)
External service providers: e-bill in the cloud
Do it yourself or have others do it?
Many companies ask themselves this question when it comes to the cost-efficient implementation of complex IT-supported business processes. An alternative is to outsource invoicing or invoice receipt to a specialized service provider. It should fulfil all legal requirements as well as the necessary tasks for smooth invoice processing between the business partners. The basis for this is § 14 (2) UStG, according to which an invoice can also be issued by a third party on behalf and for the account of the service provider.
Outsourcing services
for invoice sender and recipient
Services for paper invoices
Some service providers with whom secrypt cooperates also offer solutions for physical invoice receipt with various work steps (e.g. sorting, scanning, data entry and control, booking, storage) and “hybrid” invoice dispatch, i.e. paper invoices or electronic invoices are sent depending on the recipient’s wishes.
Are you interested in an external solution?
We will be happy to advise you and put you in contact with one of our partners.
Suitable digiSeal® solutions

digiSeal®server for central automated e-bill processes with e-seal, e-signature and time stamp, PDF/A and more (“mass signature”)
digiSeal®office for sealing, signing and time stamping e-bills at the individual workstation